It's story time.

sarah la croix photography


March 17, 2020

FILED IN: homemaking, personal

I love food. So does Chris. But, a lot of the food we love isn’t necessarily in love with us (looking at you, pizza). Since we first got married (almost five years ago !!!), the foods we buy and eat have morphed and changed along with our knowledge of our bodies and nutrition. I’m a […]

March 17, 2020

FILED IN: personal

(the wording of this blog post’s title is borrowed from my internet-turned-real-life friend and a constant source of inspiration, the lovely Lindsey Roman  <3)   I have been putting off writing blog posts for literally YEARS. For so many reasons. My brain tells me… “there’s already way too many people blogging!” “no one cares what […]

August 31, 2018

FILED IN: personal

Well friends, it has been a minute! I redid my website this spring, and then proceeded to neglect my blog for months… but I’m back! I thought it may be fun to give a little intro to the life of Sarah La Croix – where I came from, how my brain works, what my life […]

January 29, 2018

Hello, friends, and happy (late) 2018! You may have noticed it’s been a little bit more quiet over here in Sarah La Croix Photography land than usual over the last few months, and I’d like to tell you why! 2017 was a great year for my little baby photography business in a lot of ways. […]

February 10, 2017

Hi, Friends! I’m excited to announce the newest type of sessions that I am offering – the hangout sessions. <3 These sessions are exactly what the name implies – invite me along on your adventures with your friends, and let me take some fun photos along the way! These sessions can be whatever you and […]

December 2, 2016

FILED IN: personal, travel

Hey, friends! Happy December! I can’t believe it’s been so long since we got back from Paris. I loved my time in the city, and definitely would have been happy to have a little (or a lot) more time there! As it was the end of our trip and our third country, we were all […]

November 8, 2016

FILED IN: personal, travel

Hey, friends! I’m going to let the photos do most of the talking in this post. However, I do want to take a few minutes to say 1) Amsterdam is a lot more than pot and the red light district, and 2) use Air B&B, for real. We stayed on the coolest farm about 30 […]

November 1, 2016

FILED IN: personal, travel

Hi, Friends! This post is going to be a long one! My husband and I, along with my brother in law, Daniel, and our friends Trevor and Colin, all just got back from an amazing trip in Iceland, Amsterdam, and Paris. It was my first international travel (unless you count Canada last summer), and I […]

March 21, 2016

FILED IN: personal

Hi, Friends! It’s Easter week! Growing up in a Christian home, Easter was always a pretty big deal to me, and it still is! I remember waking up early to go to Sunrise Services, which were often led by my Dad. In Maine, it’s usually pretty cold still when Easter comes (it’s snowing today!) so […]

January 30, 2016

FILED IN: personal

Hi friends! This is going to be a deeply personal post, and I’m going to talk about my faith. I do not mean for this to be offensive in any way, I simply wish to be transparent with my mission for my business. 🙂 It doesn’t take much digging on my blog or website to […]

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